+91 9447362034, +91 9188262463, +91 485 2836489

Forenoon: 9.20 am to 12.25 pm
Lunch Break: 12.25 pm to 1.05 pm
Afternoon: 1.05 pm to 3.45 pm
Office Hours: 9.00 am to 4.30 pm
Meeting Teachers: 3.45 pm to 4.15 pm ( On Fridays)

1. Prayer Song
2. News Reading
3. Thought for the Day
4. Principal's Message
5. Pledge
6. School Exercises
7. National Anthem

Lead kindly light, amid the encircling gloom
Lead Thou me on!
The Night is dark, and I am far from home
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene - One step enough for me.

Nirmala Public School
Like a bright shining light,
Dispels all the darkness
In our hearts and our minds
Its blue and white portals
Sure fill us with pride
With strength and with courage
The will to do right
We vow to be honest,
And loyal and true,
In the classrooms, the sports field
We learn to follow every rule
Our founders, our teachers
We honour and cheer
In the lands have no peer
Nirmala Public School
Stands up for the truth
Like a city set high
In the service of youth
Our blue and white banner
An inspiring sight!
Out glorious motto-
Is 'Lead Kindly Light'

1. Morning Prayer
a) O God, bless our studies which we are going to begin for your greater glory and our salvation. Our Father in heaven, holy be your Name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us, do not bring us to the test, but deliver us from evil. Amen.
b) Oh God who are Truth and the Origin of all knowledge bless our studies which we consecrate to you. Enlighten our minds, strengthen our memories and direct our will towards what is right. Grant us to seek truth always and make us truly wise.
2. Evening Prayer
a) O my God, I thank you for all the blessings which you did bestow on me this day. Pardon me my failings and grant that I may love and serve you all my life. Amen.
b) "Oh God! Infinite wisdom/and the source of all knowledge/ grant that we may remember/what we have learned. Forgive us/our shortcomings/and give us the courage to follow always/ the path of truth".
3. Before each class
Enlighten our minds, O Lord/and help us to understand/what we will be taught/and to retain what we study/ so that we may become/wise and better.
4. Before meals
Bless us O Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty. Amen.
5. After meals
We give you thanks, O Almighty God, for all the benefits we have received from your bounty. Amen.

Almighty God/ creator of all / I firmly believe that I am now in Thy presence / I adore Thy Divine Majesty and I ask Thee / to enlighten my mind / that I may know Thee more clearly / and move my heart that I may love Thee / above all things / and my neighbour / for Thy sake. Help me / that I may never / in my thoughts/words or deeds offend against They Holy Law.

Thank you a lot, forever O Lord
We thank for this wonderful day,
By telling your tales and singing your songs
You made it so happy and gay.
Now it's time to leave for home
To be with our Mummy and Dad,
O grant us to have their dreams come true
By blooming so noble and bright
We want the power to harness the truth
And guidance to ride in your path,
Oh, give us your arms and armour to fight
A heroic battle of life
Lend your favour in plenty O Lord
On all our teachers and friends,
O bless our school with glory and honour
And turn it a pride of all times.

PRAYER (Before class at noon)
Oh Heavenly Father, we praise you. We adore you. Bless each one of us and guide us. Make us truly wise and enlighten our minds with your wisdom.